BVOP Certified Project Manager Review

What is BVOP Certified Project Manager?

BVOP Certified Project Manager is a license obtained after successfully passing an online certification exam in the website. Find the review below. (More about the certificate)

The distinction with this project management certification program is that it practices its own methodology. BVOP means Business Value-Oriented Principles. BVOP is a model that goes ahead of the field of conventional project management and incorporates numerous supplementary good practices, guidance, and systems. (Original publication)

BVOP is an administration method designed by Business Value-Oriented Principles Ltd in 2018. The company has announced its BVOP Ultimate Guide, which includes the complete set of management information of the company to date. The BVOP Ultimate Guide is additionally the unique standardized document that BVOP Certified Project Manager title applicants need to understand before beginning their online certification exam.

The first published report on the benefit of the BVOP methodology

The earliest issued studies on project management systems following the BVOP methodology are manifested in the article Business Value-Oriented Project Management (BVOPM), 2019 Vol. 2 Marta Cooper, 2019, PolicyMatters, ISSN: 1941-8280.

The study outlines an experiment with two identical units operating on two equal projects. The size of the team and the expert skills of the professionals are also the same.

In short, the effects are 12 weeks faster distribution of the outcome by the team following the BVOP teachings of management and administration.

The experiment lasted a total of 18 weeks.

Review of BVOP Certified Project Manager

The first thing I immediately needed to do was to communicate one of the people whose studies were announced on the BVOP website. I didn’t assume any actual results, but I succeeded to connect with two out of six people through the Linkedin website. We reviewed this project management certification quickly because people were still at work and I was a natural annoying writer. Still, after receiving a real reversal of the connection, my curiosity developed.

After studying the impressive papers and topics centered on business value in project and product administration methods, I chose to join the BVOP certification curriculum. I reached the company and asked for a price discount as I was still in the position of a researcher. To my astonishment, I was told that I would get a promotional discount system. I created my account and really a minute later the announcement came to my email. I logged in to my account and my promo code was expecting me there.

The other good news for me was that I got free mock exams, which I kept for later.

Then the tough part started. I began reading the BVOP Ultimate Guide.

How to pass the BVOP Certified Project Manager exam?

I took four weeks to learn the full BVOP Ultimate Guide. Of course, I didn’t read all the time. I had the possibility to spend two hours daily in normal reading. I can measure a total of 60 hours of examining the guide.

Surprisingly, I understood all the texts. I do not have any project management background, nor have I been included in product configuration or industrial projects. I have an institutional background. Nevertheless, it looked to me that I could quickly learn all the sections of the BVOP Ultimate Guide.

At the end of the next week, I ignited my first trial exam. I lost. I confess that I was frustrated because I believed a lot in my available knowledge so far.

Of course, after that, I read further and advanced my reading. At the end of the 4th week, I fired my second mock test. I took the test. I felt happiness and a charge of enthusiasm. I immediately started my last third trial without considering whether I would pass it. After almost an hour of delicately and diligently scanning the subjects on my laptop screen and marking my theories, the good news did not wait. I also took the last test.

I had breakfast, I ran out into the air. I relaxed for about an hour and found strength for the actual project management certification exam after which I had to have the Business Value-Oriented Project Manager (BVOPM) license.

The pressure was much stronger in the actual exam, but unmistakably studying and persistence paid off. I won my certification exam and my certificate was already waiting for me precisely as it was formulated in the manual.

I apparently won’t be doing project management or any kind of management any time soon since my artistic appetite is still very high. My professional route in this field I still think is not even in the middle, but if one day I think about project management in an extremely professional environment, BVOP will be my favored management methodology.

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